Oil & Gas and refineries
Air filtration
Petrochemical industries surely meet society's energy demands and produce a range of useful chemicals, but they are also the main contributors to industrial air pollution. In chemical and petrochemical companies, the staff and neighbourhood deal with toxic and combustible gases on a daily basis, Aqoza provides a range of quality air filtration equipment that meticulously monitors and controls the air quality that are quite crucial for safety and efficiency and maintain good air quality.
Corrosion Control
Oil & Gas industries are surrounded by highly corrosive gases like Hydrogen sulphide, Sulphur dioxide, etc, which are very toxic to the people and the equipment in the plant, which are designed for a longer period operation. The ideal way is to be removing these corrosive gases from the source itself before it dispatches to the surrounding.
Aqoza has range of adsorption media, which can capture the corrosive gases from as low as 0.1ppm to even at higher concentration up to 10,000ppm. With a compact portable filters based on adsorption media, these units can be attached to process equipment and rooms for corrosion control.
Monitoring sensors
Aqoza provides a revolutionary range of monitoring sensors to understand complaint situations and the underlying causes better and faster. These sensors also prevent incidents related to air quality and odour as it constantly measures the level of air contaminants and keeps the employees and control rooms aware of it. This also helps to protect the life of critical machineries like control panels and its accessories from being corroded under these environments.