
Revolutionizing Preventive Maintenance in Electronic Manufacturing Industries

Aishwarya PM

27 August 2024

In the electronic manufacturing industry, maintaining the integrity and reliability of sensitive components is paramount. Corrosion, often caused by the infiltration of corrosive gases, poses a significant threat to electronic chips and circuits. Understanding the causes and implementing effective preventive measures can revolutionize maintenance practices, ensuring uninterrupted production and high-quality outputs.

The Challenge: Corrosive Gases in Clean Air Rooms

Electronic manufacturing facilities typically use clean air rooms to protect sensitive components. However, traditional air filters are designed primarily to remove particulate matter and are not effective at blocking corrosive gas molecules. This allows harmful gases like sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfides to infiltrate these supposedly controlled environments. Over time, these gas particles can cause subtle yet severe corrosion on electronic components, such as semiconductors and microchips. This corrosion often goes undetected until it results in significant equipment failures and costly repairs.

Vulnerabilities of Modern Miniaturized Components

The miniaturization of electronic components, while advantageous for efficiency and space-saving, has resulted in smaller parts and nearer connections. These minute connections are more susceptible to environmental damage. Traditional protective measures, such as polymeric coatings, offer some resistance but are not foolproof. Over time, these coatings degrade, leaving components vulnerable to corrosive gases. The compact design of modern electronics makes it challenging to inspect manually and detect corrosion in interconnections and solder joints, leading to undiagnosed failures during the manufacturing process. Additionally, high-quality coatings are expensive, contributing to increased manufacturing costs, and many coatings eventually become permeated by corrosive gases, reducing their effectiveness.

Strategic Solutions: Real-Time Monitoring and Control Units

To address the issue of corrosion in electronic manufacturing, it is crucial to adopt advanced corrosion monitoring and control strategies. Here are key steps to take:

1. Implement Real-Time Corrosion Monitoring: A real-time corrosion monitoring unit continuously measures and reports corrosion rates by using sensors to detect corrosive gasses and environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. This system provides real-time data to help prevent corrosion-related failures in electronic components and systems.

2. Establish a Corrosion Control Unit: A corrosion control unit, is designed to protect electronic equipment from corrosive gasses that can lead to equipment malfunction and failures. These units are engineered to remove harmful gasses at parts-per-billion (ppb) levels, ensuring a clean and safe environment for sensitive electronics in highly sensitive equipment manufacturing units and other industrial applications.

Advantages of Taking Action

Adopting advanced corrosion monitoring and control measures offers several benefits:

Low Discard Rate of Failed Equipment: Effective corrosion control reduces the need to discard equipment due to corrosion-related defects.

Low Chances of Electronics Failing at Client Facilities: By addressing corrosion during manufacturing, the likelihood of electronics failing at the client’s facility due to manufacturing defects is minimized.

Lower Chances of Replacement Under Warranty: Proactive corrosion management lowers the chances of having to replace failed electronics under warranty.

Cost Savings: Preventing corrosion-related failures reduces the need for costly replacements and repairs, ultimately saving money.

Reputation Saved: Maintaining high-quality standards and reducing failures protects the manufacturer’s reputation and builds trust with clients.

Corrosion in electronic manufacturing is a subtle but significant issue that can disrupt production and lead to costly failures. Implementing advanced corrosion monitoring and control technologies is essential to protect sensitive components and ensure the smooth operation of manufacturing processes. 

For more information on how to safeguard your electronic manufacturing operations from corrosive gas infiltration, contact our experts today.