
Data Centres

Data Centres

Air filtration

The computing devices, servers and electronic devices are hugely affected by the deteriorating quality of air. Allowing harmful air components and dust particles float freely in the server rooms can create havoc and hamper the business continuity. The most important part of maintenance of data centre is to keep a clean air in the centre, which is from dust and corrosive gases. Aqoza’s low energy data centre air filtration units are designed to meet ASHRAE standard of clean rooms to ensure clean air that’s vital to keep the electronic equipment and servers work efficiently. Aqoza’s Data centre Air Purifier (DAP) works at low energy filters with highest removal efficiency. DAP is enclosed with combination of dust removal filters and specific gas adoption filters, which makes Aqoza’s DAP unique.

Corrosion control

The server components, circuit boards, network infrastructures, routers in the data centre are highly prone to corrosion and lead to electronic malfunction and failure, increase in downtime and reduced productivity.  Aqoza’s data centre air purifiers are designed to remove corrosive gases at ppb level.

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